GK TODAY 2016 Complete Materials [History, Geography, Polity, Economy, General Science, Art and Culture, Environment] in PDF
Click Below to Download, If These links are not working, ask in comments I will upload again and again [Links are Updated]
GK Today Polity.pdf 1.25MB
GK Today Environment.pdf 2.49MB
GK Today General Science.pdf 3.75MB
GK Today Economy.pdf 3.85MB
GK Today History.pdf 4.25MB
GK Today Geography.pdf 7.67MB
GK Today Art and Culture.pdf 9.02MB
Enter this Key to Download !0TBzyAcKjhZsrYqSmASjgQ
freeupsc.org does not own this Materials, Test Series or anything we share, neither created nor scanned. we just providing the links already available on Internet. and also we doesn't Own any trademarks or copyrights of any institute like Vision IAS, Vajiram and Ravi, Gs Score, Insight IAS, IAS Baba, Forum IAS, Shankar IAS and others which we share are purely for Education purpose only and all copyrights and Trademarks lies with the respective Institutes/Comapanies only. We don't intend to either harm or encash your hard work, if any way you feel that our content violates any Copyrights or any privacy laws or if you have any issue, please let us know at [email protected] and we will definitely try to provide possible solution for the same. Thank you.
Decryption key invalid
Copy the key and paste there …including that Exclamation
key is
copy and paste
Ya got it.. thank you
I’m nt able to understand how to download !1oae2O8p9oWFXArgHdoUhA
This key is not working. Can you upload it again?
Gk today Environment & ecology file is not opening
I need GK TODAY Pdfs….plz Sir give Link or download option…. existing link is not working
Not able to download ..
Please help me sir Asap
Please upload the again…kinely
Sir plz help me how to download this
Link not working kindly update and remind me
Sir please help to download gktoday materials
if you are unable to download them here, you can download from telegram @UPSCMaterials Channel
sir the link is not working??
how i get my description key in MEGA FREE UPSC METERIAL DOWNLOAD
How to download
Thanks a ton for providing this marvellous material.
The key is invalid 🙁
no try copy paste..
sir if possible please upload gktoday mains complete materials…thank you
Not available yet, I available,, Will share
Link is not working..
no its working check again
Thank u so much…it helps me a lot
Please agar hai to share krdo material
Hey can you upload other modules of GKtoday (Mains specific) or send them on my email id (if you can’t publicly).
Thanks a lot.
P.S – Same Id as given in the comment details.
Sorry.. If Available means I will share openly.. ?
I can’t download, it’s say like file not available
Sir key is invalid. Please resend it. Thank u sir
Respected sir, sorry for the disturbance . It is working and the key is valid. Earlier I missed the exclamation mark in the key.
The materials r very useful. Thank so much . I pray for the continuance of ur philanthropism
share those notes plz
Link is not working.Sir If u possible pls update gktoday prmnry exam…
key is invalid
No.. It’s Working fine.. Use copy paste
Sir if possible please provide Gktoday Monthly Current Affairs Compilation. It would be of great help.
How can I download GK TODAY 2016 Files from MEGA Drive to my computer. Please Sir help me.
There will be a download button if u click the file..
Sir… It’s written that “No files are available”…Sir plz help me
It’s working fine
Sir File not found plz help
Sir its not loading. Plz help
Sir how can I download gktoday materials ,Im unable to download with the key you have given below download .
You have to download the mega app first
Sir…plss upload again…files are unavailabe
Soon I will
Please re-upload, mega link not working!
It has been updated recently and working fine…check again
sir can you upload vision essay test series 2018 or any other.
Please upload again …..thid link is not downloading
No it’s working fine..
Sir please provide better link for downloading
this is the only better link available and you have to download from this link only..we can’t upload to any other drives due to some issues.
Please provide the Friday current affairs pdf if possible..Wud be of great help
Sorry, I meant gktoday current affairs pdf
This is an amazing place. Thank you so much for all the efforts taken. Kindly upload GK Today July current affairs.
For that go to https://telegram.me/UpscMaterials and search for Gk Today
thanks a lot, God Bless you
Hello there, I am unable to download the link, kindly help.
Sir…I can’t access to the above gktoday folder.. Please help me…
Sir unable to download… Please help
Am going to make them available from another sophisticated server, and i will share soon
How to download gktoday modules plz help
i will share new links just give me some time
Can you please share the materials with me in personal? I am unable to download. I am even not able to get these PDFs anywhere else. Thank you .
Please help to download the above PDF.
Unable to download.
The item has been moved to bin by author.
Sir link is not working. please update it
Sir Please upload it once again . The link shows that folder no longer exist . Please Sir ….
sir link is not working plz update new link sir plz
Folder is not there. Please upload it again.
Sir, it’s saying folder is not available.. please up load the material sir.
Sir pls upload monthly gk today current affairs and its mcq , gk today 2018 static also .
Pls upload all gk today materials at one place .
Ur doing a great job , takes for your kind support.
unable to download
sir pliz sent me through mail
([email protected])
Thank you very much.. But this pdf is protected.. kindly rovide password..because I am unable to add bookmark and note withour password
Sir plz upload decryption key
Gk today link is not working… please check the problem and correct it or provide a new link
Gk today economy module was not opening, can u pls update 2018 modules
Please upload GS Score materials
sir please upload the link to me. it’s not working sir
Sir, link not working….
by the way excellent site. Great work Sir.
Sir I am unable to download the complete module.if you kindly provide the material in my mail id I will be thankful to you..My mail id is [email protected]
sir i am unable to dow load the gk material could you please share the key
hi the file needs decryption key.. please help out
Please upload gk today module of polity of 2014.Format was best.i have searched everywhere but haven’t find whole module as pdf.please help
link not working
Link not working .. could you pls update it again
sir, link is not working….
Sir please provide gk today ancient+mediaval+modern gk today modules link. In telegram upsc material this is delete.
Sir, I am not able to download, Please provide me the link…
After entering the description key, it is Showing the folder is empty
Please help????