Insight IAS Mains 2022 IPM Test 1 [Mains 2022 Test Series]
The flagship program of Insights IAS – Integrated Prelims Cum Mains (IPM) Test Series has been acknowledged to be closest to the actual UPSC Prelims and Mains Question Papers leading to terrific student performance.The Core Philosophy of Insight IAS Mains 2022 IPM program is to bring to students a SINGLE timetable that covers both the Prelims and Mains Syllabus in a holistic manner, enabling students to complete the syllabus part by part and be tested on it from the point of Prelims (MCQs) and Mains (Descriptive Answers) simultaneously.
The IPM Test Series utilizes simple yet ingenious methods to hone every aspirant’s ability and foster sharpening of skills with a disruptive impact on their preparation. It can prove to be a keystone to success in the coveted Civil Services Examination if thoroughly practiced from day one.
Abraham Lincoln is quoted as having said, “If I had five minutes to chop down a tree, I’d spend the first three sharpening my axe.”
Undoubtedly, every serious aspirant spends a lot of time fine-tuning their preparation but often fail to find a program that aids in sharpening their preparation (AXE) that has the potential to give them returns way beyond their efforts establishing success in the fastest manner possible ever known to Civil Service aspirants.
- Insight IAS Mains 2022 Test 1 Questions Click to Download
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