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Insight IAS Prelims 2018 Test 23

Insight IAS Prelims 2018 Test 23 With Solutions

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11 thoughts on “Insight IAS Prelims 2018 Test 23”

  1. dear Admin,
    i dont have any right to ask you more because you people are giving a lot to us. i am here to get a clarity on picking up test series. please give your opinion and analysis to conclude my doubt .

    which is better regarding test papers (which u people are providing us) whether KSG or CIVILS DAILY?
    please give me reply as i am going to start my tests from april 2nd

  2. Thank you for updating insight tests- 12, 13, 14.
    Sir, Insight Test- 11 is not available in continuous QS-Ans format.
    plz upload as soon as possible.

    Your self- less service will pay u some day. ?

  3. Hello admin
    I am a new member of your site, i want o ask, people says that most of questions of prelims direcly on indirectly repeated from vision , insight , vajiram est series, is it true? if yes , amongst these 3 which one is best?

    • Please don’t get such assumptions, UPSC never asks from private institutes, if u check last two years papers you can know that clearly, there may be a chance of same topic appearing in exam but not a direct question


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