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Insight IAS Prelims 2018 Test 29

Insight IAS Prelims 2018 Test 29 With Solutions

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14 thoughts on “Insight IAS Prelims 2018 Test 29”

  1. If u r subscribed to test series of insights by donation received… Then y delay in updating test as soon as possible…

    • Removing the watermarks, codes takes time and also sharing only insights tests is not our job, we are sharing 10-12 institutions tests.. So managing them all takes little bit time and even though we bought all tests.. We can’t share them according to schedule bcz of this security reasons.
      I hope you understood.

      • Just try as soon as possible especially for these 2 test series- vision & insights.
        we are desperately/eagerly waiting for it. you can understand.

        Thanks swami JI.

  2. sir provide us with csat papers of insights also. only a month is left. pls sir, pls provide as soon as possible

  3. sir,
    one simple request.. when u upload full length test,,, Kindly name them as “Full Length Test 1” ..and so on… actually ur test no are differ from actual test series no… so to make confusion free plz tag them which such name…it will be convenient for all of us… Looking forward from full length tests.

  4. Sir you are doing wonderful help for those people afford to get the test series.you gave fully free and tolerate all the irritating post send by many people.
    Thankful to do the wonderful job to clear ias exam for ias aspirant

    • sir … you doing a wonderful job helping students like us who dont reside in delhi and making the test series available to us . Thankyou so much

  5. Sir, please try to post atleast 30 &31 of this test series coz till all are of same pattern till31 , after that only full test would be left which u can post at your comfortable time.

  6. Sir please update insight test no30,31 and full lengths as soon as possible. Please help. Only 20 days remain. Further delay will make revision hectic.


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