freeupsc.org does not own this Materials, Test Series or anything we share, neither created nor scanned. we just providing the links already available on Internet. and also we doesn't Own any trademarks or copyrights of any institute like Vision IAS, Vajiram and Ravi, Gs Score, Insight IAS, IAS Baba, Forum IAS, Shankar IAS and others which we share are purely for Education purpose only and all copyrights and Trademarks lies with the respective Institutes/Comapanies only. We don't intend to either harm or encash your hard work, if any way you feel that our content violates any Copyrights or any privacy laws or if you have any issue, please let us know at [email protected] and we will definitely try to provide possible solution for the same. Thank you.
Thanks for ur efforts.Please update pdf mains test series of vision ias 2023 … requesting test 2 for pre 2023 also
I am not able to download test series, please help someone
Press click to download and select ur available Drive email id…. Then pdf is shown in ur drive…. If you want to download in ur mobile, download through drive.
how can i download the test series, cuz i am not able to
What’s the issue?
Please go on click to download button then test series will be open and then just above right side you see three vertical dots button . Click and see the option of download.
Please reply me that did you download?
Visionias 2023 prelims (english) schedule you haven’t uploaded.
Instead of that you uploaded mains 2023 schedule. I request you to change.
Thank you.
Changed, Thank you
In the question paper link Test-1, 2023 if i click means answer key is only available to download…
So please upload question paper link with respective question paper for test 1…
upload 2023 prelims schedule by mistake u uploaded mains schedule
Updated, Thanks for noticing
Thank you so much. It will be helpful if you upload the 2nd test question and answer link asap..!
Sir please upload pdf of test 2 🙏🏻and thanks a lot for your efforts
In test current affairs are from April but in schedule it is from January . Beignner like me are facing problem , please help us through
Sir where i can get August 7 module?
Thanks for initiative 🙌
How to check preliminary answer key
Of which year?
Sir….pls share link vision test series schedule time table pls
Please Upload the History Book by Poonam Dalal Dahiya Ma’am having the title as.
‘Ancient and Mediaeval History.’
Thanks for this unconditional support. Icant find any supprt button on this site ,I can support what is in my reach.